Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Lead-Based Paint Training Offered September 17 in Charlotte

The 21st Century Building Expo & Conference will hold certification training on the new Lead-Based Paint Repair, Renovation & Painting Program at the Charlotte Convention Center on September 17.

The RRP program mandates that contractors, property managers and others working for compensation in homes and child-occupied facilities built before 1978 must be trained and use lead-safe work practices.

The training will be held from 8 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. on Friday, September 17. The course fee is $225. Fee includes course materials, in addition to entry to the 21CBEC, all general session seminars, and lunch on Thursday and Friday.

How to register?
Go to www.21buildingexpo.com. Click on Attendee Registration. After entering your information, choose to register for Continuing Education courses. Scroll through the different courses and seminars and select the ones you would like to attend.

Contact Heather Crews at hcrews@nchba.org or 800.662.7129.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Builders, remodelers invited to education conference in Charlotte

The 21st Century Building Expo & Conference to be held Sept. 15-17 in Charlotte, North Carolina, offers an exceptional line-up of courses and seminars for everyone in the home building industry. With more than 50 general session seminars, North Carolina Builder Institute courses and NAHB Education classes on the schedule, builders, remodelers, and associates will go home with new ideas and techniques to reinvigorate their business.

Nationally-recognized speakers will come from across the United States to share their knowledge of the home building industry. Courses were carefully selected to help builders and associates succeed and prosper in business after months of facing a difficult recession and housing slump.

For example, several seminars will offer builders new marketing and sales techniques, such as The Art of Rediscovering Value, Sales Solutions for Builders on the Comeback, Advertising New Construction, Marketing Self-Help for Builders, Surviving and Thriving in Today’s Economy, and Regaining Your Leadership in the Market.

Other seminars will help builders and remodelers gain more insight into their buyers. Meet the Buyers: Margo, Elisa, Claire & Maggie will look at new home design in regards to women’s primary personalities. Generational Identity Markers will help builders understand consumers through a generational segmentation system. Innovation in Neighborhood Design will explore what today’s buyer is looking for in terms of neighborhood design, and Trends in Retiree Housing will explain trends and preferences in retiree home building.

Business-related courses will help your business and its bottom line: Project Management, QuickBooks Made Easy for Contractors, Reading Economic Keys to Score Big, Business Management for Building Professionals and Maximizing Profits are just a few.

A home building conference would not be complete without information on green building, one of the most prominent trends in housing. Courses include The Ins & Outs of Energy Efficiency Programs for New Construction in NC, Cost Effective Wall Systems that Meet NC Energy Code Requirements, Green Building for Building Professionals, and Building Energy Codes.

In addition, the popular Marketing & Communication Strategies for Aging & Access is the first course required for the Certified Aging-in-Place designation.

This is just a sneak peak at all that will be offered to you and your business at the 21CBEC. Go to www.21buildingexpo.com and click on Attendees, then Conference Schedule for a full list of all courses and seminars. Then use our easy online registration system to register for courses.

 Full Delegate—$75. Register as a full delegate and attend an unlimited number of our carefully selected general session seminars. The $75 fee also includes conference lunches on Thursday and Friday and Expo floor access. Fee increases to $100 after Sept. 14.

 NCBI/NAHB Course—Fee varies depending on course. Course fee includes course materials, unlimited general session seminars, conference lunches on Thursday and Friday, and the Expo floor.

Monday, June 14, 2010

New networking opportunity

The 21st Century Building Expo & Conference is pleased to announce a brand new event for 2010. The "Winners Circle" will be another networking and business opportunity for builders and remodelers. Sign up to meet one-on-one with 10 select exhibitors. They will give you a product demo or tell you why you should do business with them. You'll meet with each exhibitor just 5 minutes, and then on to the next one. For your one-hour commitment, we'll give you a $25 gift card as our thanks. Exhibitors will also be passing out free goodies.

You can sign up for one of three slots: Thursday, Sept. 16, from 10 a.m. - 11 a.m.; Thursday, Sept. 16, from 2 p.m. - 3 p.m.; or Friday, Sept. 17, from 10 a.m. - 11 a.m.

For more information or to sign up, contact Tracie Garrett at tgarrett@nchba.org.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Earn green professional designation in three days

Green building is perhaps the hottest topic in home building. NAHB's Certified Green Professional Designation gives builders the chance to learn what green building is all about and how to incorporate green building principles without driving up the cost of a home.

North Carolina currently has the most CGP graduates in the nation, with more than 500statewide. If you haven't gotten your CGP, now is the time ... don't be left behind and let your competition get the competitive edge.

The 21st Century Building Expo & Conference will offer the two required courses for the designation -- Green Building for Building Professionals (two-day course offered Sept. 15 & 16) and Business Management for Building Professionals (Sept. 17). That's right ... you can get your CGP designation in just three days.

Course fee includes all course materials, lunch on Sept. 16 & 17, access to all general session seminars and access to the Expo floor featuring the latest products and services for home builders.

Go to www.21buildingexpo.com and click on Attendees to register for courses.

Monday, May 10, 2010

How's your building business?

In the past few weeks many news articles have written about the positive outlook for the housing market in the Southeast, particularly North Carolina.

But we'd like to hear from builders right here in the Southeast. What you think of the housing market?

Are you hopeful? Have you seen signs of recovery in your business? Do you think the expiration of the tax credit will have a big impact on your sales?

Share your thoughts with us ...

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

South region leads in home sales

With many buyers rushing to take advantage of the federal home-buyer tax credit set to expire in April, sales of newly built single-family homes surged 26.9 percent in March to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 411,000 units, the Commerce Department reported today. Sales increases were posted in all four regions of the country.

Regionally, sales increased a leading 43.5 percent in the South, compared to 35.7 percent in the Northeast, 4.3 percent in the Midwest, and 5.7 percent in the West.

“Undoubtedly, the tax credit is working,” said Bob Jones, chairman of the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) and a home builder from Bloomfield Hills, Mich. “Builders are seeing a growing optimism among consumers.”

“The near record-breaking 27 percent increase over February was the result of home buyers taking advantage of the tax credit as well as a carryover of demand that was held back by unusually bad weather in February,” said NAHB Chief Economist David Crowe.

“The increased sales are very welcome news and sales will continue to improve, although we expect them to plateau in late spring and early summer when the credit expires. Following that, the housing momentum will be carried forward by low interest rates, pent up household formations, excellent affordability conditions and a budding employment growth,” Crowe added.

The nationwide inventory of new homes on the market dropped a negligible 0.8 percent in March, to 227,000 units as builders continued to maintain small inventories. With the increased sales pace and low inventory level, the month’s supply of new homes for sale dropped from 8.6 in February to 6.7 in March.