Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Earn green professional designation in three days

Green building is perhaps the hottest topic in home building. NAHB's Certified Green Professional Designation gives builders the chance to learn what green building is all about and how to incorporate green building principles without driving up the cost of a home.

North Carolina currently has the most CGP graduates in the nation, with more than 500statewide. If you haven't gotten your CGP, now is the time ... don't be left behind and let your competition get the competitive edge.

The 21st Century Building Expo & Conference will offer the two required courses for the designation -- Green Building for Building Professionals (two-day course offered Sept. 15 & 16) and Business Management for Building Professionals (Sept. 17). That's right ... you can get your CGP designation in just three days.

Course fee includes all course materials, lunch on Sept. 16 & 17, access to all general session seminars and access to the Expo floor featuring the latest products and services for home builders.

Go to www.21buildingexpo.com and click on Attendees to register for courses.

Monday, May 10, 2010

How's your building business?

In the past few weeks many news articles have written about the positive outlook for the housing market in the Southeast, particularly North Carolina.

But we'd like to hear from builders right here in the Southeast. What you think of the housing market?

Are you hopeful? Have you seen signs of recovery in your business? Do you think the expiration of the tax credit will have a big impact on your sales?

Share your thoughts with us ...